Travel Tips To Have the Best Trip to Paris, France

Paris, France, Europe, travel
The Louvre

Paris is a magical city that millions of tourists flock to every year. Living in the city, I have some travel tips to share so your next trip to the city goes well !

TRAVEL Tip # 1 Watch your step !

Parisiens are required by law to pick up after their dog does their business. But I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve seen people just turn away when their dog does their business. Because if they don’t see it, it obviously didn’t happen.

So, look out for dog poop on the sidewalks.

Tip # 2 Always, always, always say bonjour.

If you’re in a bakery buying bread or a pastry, say bonjour. If you walk into a store, greet the person working there.

It’s a formula of politeness. Even if bonjour is the only word you know in french,  use it and use it often.

Tip # 3 Walk with a purpose

Don’t look like a tourist. Even if you’re lost, try not to look like you’re lost. This way, you likely won’t be a victim of a tourist trap.

Tip # 4 Be aware of your surroundings

Paris is a big city. Pick pocketers do exist, just be aware of your surroundings and don’t stop to talk to strangers. If you’re near a tourist monument, you might be talking to a scammer. And no one wants to be a victim of pick pocketers or a scam while enjoying this beautiful city.

Tip # 5 Make a budget

Paris is an expensive city. But there are cheap, good places to eat and stay.

If you’re near a monument, for example the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triomphe, restaurants will be expensive. Montorgueil is a good street to eat near Les Halles. Or Rue de Lombards also has some great restaurants to check out.

A fancy croque monsieur (ham and cheese) at La Grille Montorgueil

Tip # 6 Eiffel Tower At Night

Eiffel Tower at night from Trocadero Square

If you want to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle, be there on the hour. Once the Eiffel Tower is lit at night, it spankles every hour on the hour for five minutes.

TRAVEL Tip # 7 Metro

According to Parisiennes, the metro sucks. But I come from a small town in the US where public transportation was nearly nonexistant. Yes, there are usually lots of delays and trains not working, so if you’re using it everyday, it sucks.

But, for tourists, it’s not a bad way to get around town.

There are options to buy for a week or weekend, and unless you plan to walk a lot, this option is great.

Before coming,  download the RATP app to know about delays on your metro route.

Try avoiding large metros. No, you don’t have memorizing to do here, but if a stop has several metro lines and the RER (a train, not the metro), then it is probably a big station. See if you can stop at another stop.

I hope these tips help your voyage to Paris be smoother !

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