Why It’s Important to Know The Difference Between Travel versus Tourism

Travel and tourism are two words that are often used interchangeably. But is there a difference?

Comparing Travel and Tourism:

  1. Motivation:
    • Travel: Driven by a desire for exploration, adventure, and cultural immersion.
    • Tourism: Motivated by relaxation, recreation, and leisure.
  2. Experience:
    • Travel: Involves deeper, more authentic experiences with a focus on local culture and personal growth.
    • Tourism: Offers more structured and predictable experiences with an emphasis on comfort and convenience.
  3. Impact:
    • Travel: Can foster greater cultural understanding and sustainable practices, though it can also impact local communities if not approached mindfully.
    • Tourism: Provides economic benefits but can lead to overcrowding, environmental degradation, and cultural homogenization if not managed sustainably.
woman, Split, Croatia, Europe, travel
Exploring Split, Croatia by myself

For me, yes. There is absolutely a difference. For me, tourism is about seeing all the major things there are to see in a place. While travel is all about the atmosphere and culture.

It is a great experience when you combine these two things.

woman, hiking, Pyrenees, Spain, Europe, travel
Hiking in the Pyrenees with my host family from Barcelona, Spain

But, how do you combine travel and tourism ?

For me, I love having friends all over. It is a great experience traveling to a new city and experiencing the city through their eyes. And, of course, you get to see your friend.

If you are not lucky enough to have friends all over, a great place to meet is in a hostel. I have always had great experiences staying in hostels. I shared a room until I was 16 years old, so sharing a room for me is not a big deal. However, if this is not your style, most hostels also offer private rooms.


The last hostel I stayed in was in Rome (Ostello Bello). The hostel offered activities every night. One night, I played card games with people from all over. Someone from Argentina, Belgium, Norway, India, Germany, and Switzerland. Obviously, these people are not from the city you’re visiting, but make friends and plan a visit to their country !

Usually, the people working in the hostel are from the city, typically very nice, and will offer advice. For example, I wanted to take good focaccia bread home to my husband, so I asked people working at the hostel and they were excited to share their favorite spot with me.

waterfalls, hiking, Krka National Park, Croatia, Europe, travel
Krka National Park in Croatia. I visited by myself and made friends.


I also used a program called WorkAway while traveling. Link here. I stayed with a local family in Barcelona, so I got to experience local life. I also had time to myself to visit all the touristy spots. I also used this program in Croatia where I worked in a hostel and met more wonderful people !

Traveling alone let’s you experience both. You have the freedom to do as you please, when you please. Check out my blog on solo travel here.

While there is a difference between travel and tourism, having both experiences makes for a great trip !

canal, Venice, Italy, Europe, travel
I stayed with local friends in Venice, Italy

Blurring the Lines

It’s important to note that the lines between travel and tourism are not always clear-cut. Many travelers engage in tourist activities, and tourists can have meaningful travel experiences. The distinction often lies in the mindset and approach rather than the activities themselves.

Final Thoughts

Both travel and tourism offer valuable and enjoyable experiences. Whether you’re a traveler seeking to immerse yourself in new cultures or a tourist looking for a relaxing getaway, the key is to approach your journey with respect for the destinations you visit and a sense of curiosity and openness. Embrace the adventure, whether it’s on a well-trodden path or an uncharted trail, and let each experience enrich your understanding of the world and yourself.

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