Solo Female Travel – The Best Trip to Pamplona, Spain

Pamplona, Iruña, Spain, Europe, travel, travel Europe, Europe travel, Spain travel, travel Spain
Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel, solo female travel

Yes, I am married. But I still love my independence and I still love traveling as a solo female.

My husband and I go to San Sebastián, Spain several times a year to see friends and family. That’s the great thing about living in Europe, all of your vacations are in Europe (unless, of course, you travel outside of Europe for vacations).

Last year, after my husband returned home to Paris, I stayed behind in Spain for several weeks. He is teaching me a lot about his country, Spain, and he has taken me to many great places in Spain.

While I was alone, I wanted to go somewhere new. So, I went to Pamplona. Pamplona is about an hour and a half by bus from San Sebastián. So I got up early one morning and off to Pamplona I went.

Pamplona is most famous for the festival of San Fermín, or the Running of the Bulls. This festival takes place every July. I was there in May, so I got to enjoy a quiet and calm town.

A Day in Pamplona as a solo female

First Stop : Café Iruña

Because I left so early, my first craving when I got there was for a coffee. So, I headed to Café Iruña, the famous café where Hemingway wrote The Sun Also Rises. It was here as I was sitting enjoying my coffee that I witnessed a pigeon walk underneath the tire of a slow moving vehicle. I heard a crunch, looked over, and saw the dead pigeon. What a great start to my day.

Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel,  solo female travel
Café Iruña

Ok let’s forget about the pigeon. Café Iruña is located in the Plaza del Castillo. This is basically the center of the city and a great place to start your visit.

Next stop : Monumento al Encierro

Something not to miss when you’re visiting Pamplona is the Monumento al Encierro, a bronze sculpture by Rafael Huerta that represents the participants in the Running of the Bulls. You can also visit the streets where this event takes place and see how narrow the streets actually are !

Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel,  solo female travel
Monumento al Encierro

You should also visit the streets where the Running of the Bulls happens. Once you see the size of the streets you’ll realize people who participate in this event are either fearless or crazy. Maybe both. I know I could never do it.

Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel,  solo female travel
One of the streets where the Running of the Bulls happens

Then visit the Pamplona Cathedral

As you’re wandering the streets in the old town of Pamplona, find the Cathedral of Saint Marie, or the Pamplona Cathedral. This cathedral dates to the 15th century and is a Roman Catholic church.

Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel,  solo female travel
Pamplona Cathedral

Take a Walk along the City Walls as a solo female.

Visit the old city walls of Pamplona. These walls date back to the 1400s and are over 5km long. Three quarters of the original walls remain.

Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel,  solo female travel
View from the city walls

Final Stop : Taconera Gardens as a solo female.

End with a visit to the Taconera Gardens. These are the cities oldest gardens that has a variety of animals living within.

Pamplona, Spain, Running of the Bulls, Europe, travel,  solo female travel
Taconera Garderns

Pamplona is a beautiful town and for me, one day was enough to explore and experience the town. That’s not to say that I won’t be going back for more !

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