Solo Travel As a Female in Croatia

Fužine, Croatia, hostel, work, Europe travel
sign, Fužine, Croatia, hostel, work, Europe travel
Sign in front of the hostel

Why Solo Travel ?

Solo travel provides a sense of freedom that’s hard to match. You set your own itinerary, move at your own pace, and make spontaneous decisions without having to consider anyone else’s preferences. It’s a chance to step out of your comfort zone, build confidence, and create unforgettable memories. Plus, the sense of accomplishment and empowerment you feel after navigating a new city or overcoming a travel challenge is unparalleled.

Solo travel as a female can be intimidating. There can be tears and fears. I used a program called Workaway and found a hostel to work in, in Fužine, Croatia. Workaway is a site that you pay a yearly subscription and you can search for opportunities wherever you’re traveling. You can find payed opportunities or, like I did, find opportunities where you work in exchange for food and a place to sleep.

I didn’t have a visa when I was doing a four month Euro-trip and so I had to leave the Schengen area to not exceed my limit of 90 days within the Schengen area. In 2019, Croatia was set to be a member of the Schengen zone, but was not yet a member so I could save my 90 days within this zone by going to Croatia. Read more about the Schengen Zone and traveling without a visa in my blog here.

Fužine is a small town in the mountains of Croatia that I’ve never heard of. But it’s beautiful. It is between the capital Zagreb and the coast, but closer to the coast. From this town, you can take a bus and be on the coast at a beach in just one hour.

Fužine, Croatia, hostel, work, Europe travel
An abandoned building across the street from the hostel where I worked

At the time, in 2019, Croatia was not part of the Schengen area. The Schengen area is a group of 27 countries in the EU that have abolished border controls. It’s like driving between states in the United States. This was a big deal because I wanted to stay 90 days within the Schengen area (which is permitted for US citizens without a visa). I started out in Austria in late May and wanted to spend my birthday in late September in Paris with my now husband. So, I left the Schengen area for a month and went to Croatia. I think Croatia has now become a part of the Schengen area, so if you want to do this too, double check the countries that are and are not part of the Schengen area.

At the time I was working there, this hostel was hosting guests going to a Tango festival (in the building next door to the hostel, it is a very small town). So not only was I working in the hostel for a free place to sleep and 3 meals a day, but I also got to go watch people tango at night. I personally don’t dance, I have two left feet, but I love watching other people ! And tango is so intimate and sensual. As a solo female traveler, I loved using the WorkAway program. It made me feel safer traveling alone. I was still independent but I wasn’t totally alone. I took a day trip alone to the nearby coastal town of Opatija, but people were expecting me back for dinner duty (AKA washing the dishes). So, if something were to happen to me, it wouldn’t be just my mom all the way in the United States who was looking for me.

Fužine, Croatia, hostel, work, Europe travel, Opatija

I was working with two other women in the hostel. We all shared a room and got along great. Luckily for me, English was the common language. One woman was from Colombia, the other Malaysia. We rotated with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, having to do the dishes and clean the floor in the dining hall after everyone left. We also had to do things like ironing and laundry. This was my first experience working in a hostel and I quite enjoyed it. There was a big lake next to the hostel where I would go for walks or occasionally swim. There was one bar in town that we all went to one night after everyone was finished working. So while this was not a big tourist destination, it was a place to relax and enjoy nature. There are many great opportunities like this through Workaway.

Fužine, Croatia, hostel, work, Europe travel
View of the town from the lake

Inspiration and Empowerment

Solo travel can be a deeply transformative experience. It’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You’ll learn to rely on yourself, make new friends, and see the world through a different lens. So pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and discover the world one solo trip at a time.

Whether you’re exploring the bustling streets of Tokyo, hiking the serene trails of Fuzine, or savoring the culinary delights of Italy, solo travel is a testament to your courage and independence. It’s about embracing the unknown and finding joy in every moment. Happy travels!

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