New Year in San Sebastián

It’s hard not to post about San Sebastián when I’m in San Sebastián.

While having a coffee this morning at Ondarra café, my husband (a local) and I brainstormed about my blog.

Ondarra, San Sebastián, Spain, Europe, travel
My husband bringing the coffee

I wrote down some of these ideas. Here they are :

Spain is a rather religious country, celebrating the Epiphany on January 6 every year. This is a Christian holiday that celebrates the coming of the Three Kings, the three Wise Men, to visit Jesus Christ who was born on December 25.

Even if you’re not religious, it is still fun to celebrate. It is traditional to buy a Roscón, known as a King Cake in the United States. This is a circular cake with a dried bean inside for one lucky person to find (and hopefully not choke on !). It is believed that if you find this bean, you will have good luck for the rest of the year. And being so lucky, you get to pay for the Roscón.

Roscón, San Sebastián, Spain, Europe, travel

On January 5th, there is a parade in San Sebastián of the three kings, beginning at 6pm. They parade through the city center and give out sweets to children.

And of course, if you’re in San Sebastián in January, it’s likely to be cold, and the perfect treat is churros con chocolate. There are two great places in the Old Town, one is temporarily closed (in January 2024), but the other is open ! The Chocolateria El Puerto has great chocolate con churros ! So stop in and warm up. The first time I ordered this, I used the chocolate to dip my churros in then was shocked when my husband drank the cup of chocolate. It’s not like hot cocoa, it’s like a cup of melted chocolate. I now drink the cup of chocolate when I’m done and don’t give it to my husband to finish.

Christmas lights and the Christmas market are still there until January 6, and most of the crowds are gone after the New Year. So, it’s also a great time to go without all the crowds.

Mount Urgull, San Sebastián, Spain, Europe, travel
Promenade around Mount Urgull
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